Become a volunteer

Hazte voluntario

There are many ways for helping the animals picked up in the shelter,
even from your home. Encourage and be volunteer!

Sure, you can be a perfect....

If you live in Segovia or near,you can be a fosterhome for the animals that for different causes couldn't be in the shelter,if you want to be one of our fosterfamilies please refill the form.

Also you can collaborate looking for persons that flight with the same destination of the adopted animal, Their "mission" consist in to leave the animal in the airport with the adoptive family without any cost for this person. For more information and inscriptions refills the following form.

Many of our animals find home out of Spain. You can collaborate looking for cheap flights in internet for the transport of our animals. To save money is very important for the shelter. If you want to search it in your free time refill the following form.

If you can drive and you live in Segovia or near, you can collaborate making the transport of the adopted animals to the airport. Refill the form if you think that this is your option.

For other way to be volunteer you can use our "Contact" form and we will write as soon as possible.

Asociación Protectora de Animales de Segovia©2007 - Segovia - Telf. 659 91 42 11
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