From Monday until Friday: De 17:00 to 19:30 - On Saturdays and festive: From 11:00 to 13:30
Make contact with us in the phone 659 91 42 11 and one of our volunteers will tell you how to come to the shelter.

.: Age: 12/02/2016.: Breed: European
.: Castrated: YES
.: Sex:

This kitten appeared in one of the city's industrial estates, near a colony meowing. The cats there didn't like her and attacked her.
When we left, as soon as I put my hand up to him, he rolled himself and purred. We immediately realized that her health was very bad, so we took her to the vet where we saw a very large generalized infection in her mouth, her hair was completely knotted from not grooming, full of wounds and with extreme thinness. She remained hospitalized for rehydration and treatment for that infection.
Lila has had mouth surgery and has been recovering little by little between the veterinary clinic and our shelter. She is a fighter and a few hours after leaving the operating room she started eating, which shows that she wants to recover, live and find a home that loves her.