From Monday until Friday: De 17:00 to 19:30 - On Saturdays and festive: From 11:00 to 13:30
Make contact with us in the phone 659 91 42 11 and one of our volunteers will tell you how to come to the shelter.

.: Age: 16/03/2019.: Breed: European
.: Castrated: YES
.: Sex:

The precious DESA appeared inside the headquarters of the Civil Guard of Segovia. She was fortunate, some agents of the seprona with a good heart noticed her and took her to our shelter.
She is very good and affectionate, at first we thought that she may have run away from her house, but days passed and no one claimed her. The poor thing has been abandoned.
We will never understand how there are people so horrible that they can leave a defenseless animal on the street.