Adopt an abandoned dog/cat

Adopt an abandoned dog/cat

Here we show the most urgent cases that we have now in the shelter. The several
motives are : puppy, elder, other dogs beat him... They all are really sad and special cases that need their opportunity soon,we are afraid for their lifes. If you like to enjoy seen our animals the timetable of visit it is: from Monday until Friday: De 17:00 to 19:30 - On Saturdays and festive: from De 11:00 to 13:30 Make contact with us in the phone 659 91 42 11 and one of our volunteers will tell you how to come to the shelter.


.: Age: 28/01/2020
.: Breed: mastín
.: Size: Big
.: Castrated: YES     .: Sexo: hembra.gif
.: Suitable for: floor and house


.: Age: 26/09/2019
.: Breed: galgo
.: Size: Big
.: Castrated: YES     .: Sexo: macho.gif
.: Suitable for: floor and house


.: Edad: 12/02/2016
.: Raza: galgo
.: Castrated: YES     .: Sex: hembra.gif


.: Edad: 03/07/2023
.: Raza: galgo
.: Castrated: YES     .: Sex: macho.gif

Asociación Protectora de Animales de Segovia©2007 - Segovia - Telf. 659 91 42 11
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