The association

La Asociación

The Association for the Defense of the Animals of Segovia was constituted
legally in March, 93 by a small group of friends with the purpose of substituting
the kennel, in which the left dogs were living in a bad condition waiting for being killed.
A little time later the shelter started working in a provisional farm, and the Association was consolidated step by step and now have approximately 200 associates. The association pick dogs and cats up from the street but also fights to avoid the mistreatment towards any animal and try to inculcate the respect that all of them deserve. For that, we ask for the help of all those who share the same feelings.


- Management and maintenance of the shelter.
- Adoption of the abandoned animals.
- Educational programs: Civic education and in the school, formation of collaborators,diffusion in newspaper, radio and TV.
- Programs of juridical assistance: writings to the authorities denunciations and representation in the Courts.
- Programs of relations: With associates, collaborators, companies, adopters,other associations, institutions. Publicity, contest of mix-dogs.

... and for this we ask the support of all those who share our same sentiments..

Help us to give them an opportunity, don't let them die thinking all the humans are like the ones who left them. You will be surprised with their love.

You can see more pictures of the association on the one of our volunteers's blog:

Asociación Protectora de Animales de Segovia©2007 - Segovia - Telf. 659 91 42 11
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