


We are grateful for your interest to collaborate with us and to make possible our mission.

There are many animales that need your help.We will make sure that your contribution help them.

Thanks to your donation there will be able to be improved the facilities that with so much effort we have been creating and that suppose the only shelter for the animals left in Segovia. With your donation you endorse the work of our Association: animal protection gathered from left animals, search of new homes,in or out of Spain, treatment and rehabilitation of the both physical and psychological wounds of the animals that come to our shelter, denunciations of mistreatments, fights for the abolition of the diverse forms of animal mistreatment,birth control in colonies of cats, civic formation in schools,support in the psychological treatments diminished psychic or physical persons and much more.

Any donation, independently of the amount, helps us to offer to the left animals the second opportunity, a new home and a new family who takes care of them with respect.

Do you help us to make this dream real?

You can collaborate in our social projects and of cooperation with your economic contribution sending a bank transfer to the account:

IBAN ES39 2038 7669 6060 0028 4000
Or if you prefer by Paypal payment platform:

Asociación Protectora de Animales de Segovia©2007 - Segovia - Telf. 659 91 42 11
Espacio diseñado por La guía del hámster

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